Belay® Insecticide
Belay® is a proven contact, translaminar and systemic (when applied to the soil) insecticide with activity against a broad range of pests in many crops. This uniquely effective insecticide is known for control of aphids, beetles, leafhoppers, leafrollers, maggots, mealybugs, plant bugs, stink bugs, weevils, white grubs, wireworms and more in a growing list of crops.
- Broad Spectrum Control of Yield-Robbing Pests
- Contact, Translaminar and Systemic (When Applied to the Soil) Activity
- Foliar or Soil Application in Several Crops
- Excellent Fit in IPM Programs
- Aphid
- Bean Leaf Beetle
- Blister Beetle
- Carpophilus Beetle
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cucumber Beetle
- Dried Fruit Beetle
- Flea Beetle
- Ground Beetle
- Japanese Beetle
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Scarab Beetle
- Sugarcane Beetle
- Billbug
- Pacific Flatheaded Borer
- Tobacco Budworm
- Bagrada Bug
- Harlequin Bug
- Leaffooted Bug
- Squash Bug
- Trash Bug
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Chinch Bug
- Cricket
- Plum Curculio
- Huanglongbing Disease
- Spotted Wing Drosophila
- Earwig
- Fleahopper
- Black Fly
- Walnut Husk Fly
- Greenbug
- Exotic White Grub
- White Grub
- Tobacco Hornworm
- Leafhopper
- Potato Leafhopper
- Leafminer
- Citrus Leafminer
- Oblique-Banded Leafroller
- Lygus
- Apple Maggot
- Root Maggot
- Mealybug
- Grape Mealybug
- Longtailed Mealybug
- Obscure Mealybug
- Vine Mealybug
- Rice Seed Midge
- Codling Moth
- European Grapevine Moth
- Grape Berry Moth
- Oriental Fruit Moth
- Net Necrosis
- Grape Phylloxera
- Plant Bug
- Potato Leaf Roll Virus
- Pear Psylla
- Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Potato Psyllid
- Purpletop
- Scale
- Fig Scale
- Sharpshooter
- Hickory Shuckworm
- Grapeleaf Skeletonizer
- Stinkbug
- Redbanded Stinkbug
- Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper
- Thrips
- Pecan Weevil
- Rice Water Weevil
- Sweet Potato Weevil
- Whitefly
- Wireworm
- Corn Wireworm
- Southern Potato Wireworm
- Tobacco Wireworm
* Each crop and use may not be registered in every state. Always read and follow label instructions.
Key Crops*
- Almond
- Non-Bearing Almond
- Amaranth
- Apple
- Arracacha
- Arrowroot
- Artichoke
- Chinese Artichoke
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Roquette Arugula
- Balsam Apple
- Balsam Pear
- Beechnut
- Non-Bearing Beechnut
- Brazil Nut
- Non-Bearing Brazil Nut
- Broccoli
- Cavalo Broccoli
- Chinese Gai Lon Broccoli
- Raab Broccoli
- Brussels Sprout
- Butternut
- Non-Bearing Butternut
- Cabbage
- Chinese Bok Choy Cabbage
- Chinese Mustard Cabbage
- Chinese Napa Cabbage
- Calabaza
- Non-Bearing Calamondin
- Edible Canna
- Cantaloupe
- True Cantaloupe
- Cardoon
- Casaba
- Cashew
- Non-Bearing Cashew
- Cassava
- Bitter Cassava
- Sweet Cassava
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Chinese Celery
- Celtuce
- Swiss Chard
- Chayote
- Root Chayote
- Chervil
- Chestnut
- Non-Bearing Chestnut
- Red Chicory
- Chinquapin
- Non-Bearing Chinquapin
- Edible-Leaved Chrysanthemum
- Garland Chrysanthemum
- Chufa
- Non-Bearing Citron
- Non-Bearing Hybrid Citrus
- Collard
- Corn Salad
- Cotton
- Crabapple
- Garden Cress
- Upland Cress
- Cucumber
- Chinese Cucumber
- Cucuzza
- Dandelion
- Dasheen
- Dock
- Endive
- Escarole
- Florence Fennel
- Fig
- Non-Bearing Fig
- Filbert
- Non-Bearing Filbert
- Gherkin
- Ginger
- Edible Gourd
- Grape
- Non-Bearing Japanese Summer Grapefruit
- Non-Bearing Grapefruit
- Hazelnut
- Non-Bearing Hazelnut
- Hechima
- Hickory Nut
- Non-Bearing Hickory Nut
- Hyotan
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Non-Bearing Kumquat
- Non-Bearing Lemon
- Leren
- Head Lettuce
- Leaf Lettuce
- Non-Bearing Australian Desert Lime
- Non-Bearing Australian Finger Lime
- Non-Bearing Australian Round Lime
- Non-Bearing Brown River Finger Lime
- Non-Bearing Mount White Lime
- Non-Bearing New Guinea Wild Lime
- Non-Bearing Lime
- Non-Bearing Russell River Lime
- Non-Bearing Sweet Lime
- Non-Bearing Tahiti Lime
- Loquat
- Macadamia Nut
- Non-Bearing Macadamia
- Non-Bearing Mediterranean Mandarin
- Non-Bearing Mandarin
- Marrow Vegetable
- Mayhaw
- Bitter Melon
- Chinese Preserving Melon
- Citron Melon
- Crenshaw Melon
- Golden Pershaw Melon
- Honey Ball Melon
- Honeydew Melon
- Mango Melon
- Persian Melon
- Pineapple Melon
- Santa Claus Melon
- Snake Melon
- Mizuna
- Momordica
- Muskmelon
- Mustard Greens
- Chinese Okra
- Orach
- Non-Bearing Sour Orange
- Non-Bearing Sweet Orange
- Non-Bearing Tachibana Orange
- Non-Bearing Trifoliate Orange
- Parsley
- Peach
- Non-Bearing Peach
- Pear
- Oriental Pear
- Pecan
- Non-Bearing Pecan
- Pomegranate
- Non-Bearing Pomegranate
- Potato
- Sweet Potato
- Non-Bearing Pummelo
- Pumpkin
- Garden Purslane
- Winter Purslane
- Quince
- Radicchio
- Rape Greens
- Rapini
- Rhubarb
- Rice
- Non-Bearing Satsuma Mandarin
- Sorrel
- Soybean
- Spinach
- Chinese Spinach
- Mustard Spinach
- New Zealand Spinach
- Vine Spinach
- Acorn Squash
- Butternut Squash
- Crookneck Squash
- Hubbard Squash
- Scallop Squash
- Spaghetti Squash
- Straightneck Squash
- Summer Squash
- Winter Squash
- Non-Bearing Tangelo
- Non-Bearing Tangerine
- Non-Bearing Tangor
- Tanier
- Tobacco
- Turmeric
- Non-Bearing Uniq Fruit
- Black Walnut
- Non-Bearing Black Walnut
- English Walnut
- Non-Bearing English Walnut
- Watermelon
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Yam
- Zucchini
* Not all crops are registered in every state.
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: TX
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: AL, AR, GA, KY, LA, MS, OK, SC, TN
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: CA
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: MI, MN, ND, WI
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: DE, MD, NJ, NC, PA, VA
Belay Insecticide 2EE Applicable States: CA
Section 24c
Belay Insecticide Section 24C Applicable States: FL
Belay Insecticide Section 24C Applicable States: GA
Belayr Insecticide Section 24C5a Applicable States: AL
Grapes Quicksheet - Belay Insecticide 2018-BEL-8015
Peaches & Pome Fruit Quicksheet - Belay Insecticide 2018-BEL-8011
Rice Quicksheet - Belay Insecticide 2017-BEL-8018
Tree Nuts Quicksheet - Belay Insecticide 2019-BEL-8010-R1
Vegetables Quicksheet - Belay Insecticide 2018-BEL-8013
Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Belay® Insecticide
Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below to learn how Belay® Insecticide can support sustainable practices in your operations.
Always read and follow label instructions.
Belay is a registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.
Belay is a registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.